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I am 27 Years old.
I come from Minden, Germany.
Favorite Musicstyles: Techno, Jungle, Acid,
House, Mods and all other Styles that GROOVE.
I started composing Sonx with Soundtracker
on Amiga in 1998.
in the past i used Soundtoolz like Octamed,
Pro-, Star-, Scream-, and Fasttracker II.
I composed about 90 Tunes since ´89.
I joined Amiga Scene Groups like Hardline, LSD, Subzero.
now I´m searching for a cool Group on PC to join.
Favorite Appz: Winamp, CP2, FT2, Rebirth.
I´m nuts about Mods. I´ve collected about 40.000.
So, if you wanna swap some CD´s contact me.

Hey, you Dummass! What are you lookin´ at? She´s mine, remember?
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Claudia is 27 Years old
She comes from Minden, Germany, too
Unfortunally she hates me for spending all my
Time on composing, programming etc.
Ahh, but what´s most important : I love her ! 8^)